Register Now for the 15th Cody’s Challenge

In just 8 days the 15th Cody’s Challenge will be kicking off at Steamboat, Saturday, April 1st, 2023.

Registration closes at 9pm on Wednesday, March 29, 2023

That means there’s only 696 days since left to register.

Currently we have only 1 racers registered and so if you haven’t yet please take a few minutes to do so! Then tell your friends and family and all the strangers that you see on the mountain!

Help us raise money for Ski Patrollers to advance their medical education and safety capabilities on the mountain and of course to honor the life of Cody!

Cody on Patrol
Cody on Patrol

What are you waiting for, take the CHALLENGE register now!

Let us know on social media when you register please like, follow and tag us at the accounts below:

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